We now offer chimney sweep services in Little Elm, Fairview, Celina, Prosper and more!
At DFW Chimney Sweep, we utilize video scanning in order to thoroughly inspect your chimney. With this process, a camera is lowered into the top of the chimney or pushed up from the bottom. Our professionals are then able to view the interior of your chimney on a computer screen in order to make the proper diagnosis.
You can rest assured that you are dealing with the right people when you call DFW Chimney Sweep. Our office staff is prompt and courteous and will get a chimney sweep professional to your door ASAP. From the first phone call to the inspection, our staff will ensure your satisfaction. We aim to keep your fireplace and your home a-glow with warmth and happiness. Call us anytime!
While your fireplace provides hours of warmth and enjoyment, it can also create potential hazard if left unchecked for too long. Proper, regular care can reduce this hazard and put your mind at ease. That's where we come in.
If a chimney fire does start, get your family out of the house as soon as possible and call 911. The culprit here is likely creosote, which is highly flammable.
You can rest assured that you are dealing with the right people when you call DFW Chimney Sweep. Our office staff is prompt and courteous and will get a chimney sweep professional to your door ASAP. From the first phone call to the inspection, our staff will ensure your satisfaction. We aim to keep your fireplace and your home a-glow with warmth and happiness. Call us anytime!
While your fireplace provides hours of warmth and enjoyment, it can also create potential hazard if left unchecked for too long. Proper, regular care can reduce this hazard and put your mind at ease. That's where we come in.
If a chimney fire does start, get your family out of the house as soon as possible and call 911. The culprit here is likely creosote, which is highly flammable.
Efficient Chimney Sweeping
We are chimney cleaners with decades of experience that provide the most thorough and affordable sweeping. We provide complete inspections that include structural repairs and recommendations.
Chimney Sweeping
Having your fireplace and chimney cleaned regularly is something that should be done if you own a home. From checking for repairs to ensuring the flu and stack is clear of debris, our team help maintain the system/s integrity.
Most folks think that cleaning a chimney is messy and a hassle. Modern technology makes sweeping a chimney considerably simpler and much more efficient. We provide mess-free chimney cleaning.
We are chimney cleaners with decades of experience that provide the most thorough and affordable sweeping. We provide complete inspections that include structural repairs and recommendations.
Chimney Sweeping
Having your fireplace and chimney cleaned regularly is something that should be done if you own a home. From checking for repairs to ensuring the flu and stack is clear of debris, our team help maintain the system/s integrity.
Most folks think that cleaning a chimney is messy and a hassle. Modern technology makes sweeping a chimney considerably simpler and much more efficient. We provide mess-free chimney cleaning.